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Senate Republicans Call Upon Governor to Make our State Stronger by Supporting Small Businesses

In Executive Budget

ALBANY, NY – Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt and Senators Dean Murray and Jack Martins today penned a letter calling upon Governor Kathy Hochul to include support for our small businesses in the Executive Budget. The success of our businesses throughout the state is a critical component to our state thriving economically.

“Today I stand with my Senate Republican colleagues in calling on Governor Hochul to include critically important support for our small businesses in the Executive budget. The Covid-19 pandemic caused a great deal of harm to small businesses which are the backbone of our economy. Small business owners and their employees should not be held as bargaining chips to be traded behind closed doors. They must have the unequivocal support of Albany,” said Senate Republican Leader Ortt.

“There is no doubt that small business is the backbone of our states' economy, yet it's the combination of taxes, fees and unfunded mandates that are breaking the backs of those same small businesses. The state's handling of unemployment during Covid and the imposition of the ‘Unemployment Insurance Assessment Surcharge’ on businesses is the perfect example of the state working against the business community by punishing them for something they had absolutely no control over. Unfortunately, many of those businesses are now packing up and leaving for more business-friendly environments in states that work with them instead of against them. We must work with and support businesses of all sizes to help them succeed, because when they succeed, they grow and when they grow, they create more job opportunities for New Yorkers. Government and business working together is how we strengthen our economy and create unlimited opportunities for our next generations.. but it must start now,” said Senator Dean Murray, Ranking Republican on the Senate Economic Development, Commerce, and Small Business Committee.

“New York’s small businesses are not controlled by boards; they are run by our friends and neighbors. They are not accountable to stockholders; they answer to customers. It is these establishments that often reflect the character of our communities and neighborhoods. The Democrats in the State Senate have done nothing but burden New York’s small businesses with taxes, fees, additional costs, and unnecessary regulations. The Senate Republicans are committed to helping our independent businesses while cutting red tape. Talk is cheap. The governor needs to provide meaningful relief and assistance in her proposed State Budget for the heart of New York – independent businesses,” said Senator Jack Martins, Ranking Republican on the Senate Labor Committee.

In a letter delivered to the Governor today, Senate Republicans requested:

  • Establishing a fixed contribution from employers to the unemployment insurance fund as well as a solvency fund that could draw on other state revenues, settlement dollars or unencumbered Federal funds;

  • Designating a portion of the more than $10 billion in discretionary reserves included in the FY 2023 Enacted Budget to this solvency fund to first pay the Interest Assessment Surcharge levied on employers and also offset a portion of UI tax increases assessed against small businesses; and

  • Excluding claims for unemployment insurance payments, as a result of COVID-19 or another government mandated closure, from being used as part of the calculation of an employer's experience rating.

A copy of the letter is attached.




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Senator Robert Ortt - Senate Republican Leader   |   Senator George Borrello - Chair, NYSSRCC

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