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Before Giving Themselves a Whopping 29% Salary Increase, Senate Democrats REJECT Republican Measure to Provide Much-Needed Economic Relief to Everyday New Yorkers

ALBANY, NY – During today’s debate on the Senate Democrats’ $32,000 pay raise bill, Senator Pam Helming advanced a measure that would cut taxes, curb runaway state spending, and provide much-needed economic relief to struggling New York families, seniors, and small businesses. Shamefully, the Senate Republican amendment was rejected along party lines by Senate Democrats, who moments later voted to raise their annual salary by 29 percent.

“This Holiday season, Senate Democrats are delivering nothing but a lump of coal for New York taxpayers. It’s insulting enough that they’re voting to give themselves a $32,000 pay raise. The fact that they won’t even extend this season of giving to the people we represent is patently offensive. Countless New Yorkers are struggling to keep the lights on, feed their families, and put gifts under the Christmas tree. Instead of delivering much-needed economic relief to struggling families, seniors, and small businesses, Albany politicians are playing the role of Ebenezer Scrooge,” said Senator Helming.

In poll after poll, affordability and public safety rank as the top two issues for New Yorkers. Yet, One Party Rule in Albany continues to place their own misplaced priorities first. Their latest scheme is a whopping $32,000 salary increase – despite receiving a $30,500 salary increase in 2019. This 29 percent pay raise will make New York the highest paid State Legislature in the nation. The bill will also limit outside income, effectively shutting everyday people with real world business or other private sector experience out of elected office.

The Republican amendment, which Senate Democrats voted along party lines to reject, would cut taxes, curb runaway state spending, and provide much-needed economic relief to struggling New York families, seniors, and small businesses. Moments after they rejected the common-sense measure, the same Senate Democrats voted to give themselves a pay raise.

Senate Republicans voted in unison against this outrageous bill, and will continue to advocate for common-sense economic policies to:

  • Cut New York’s Highest-In-The-Nation Taxes;

  • Reduce the Cost of Living;

  • Improve the State Business Climate; and

  • Reverse New York’s Nation-Leading Outmigration Crisis.

The Republican economic plans can be found here and here.




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